
1. Milk collection

The milk collection from dairy farmers is implemented on a daily basis. This is a guarantee regarding the freshness and the quality of the milk which will be used for the formulation of REGALAC® nutritional products.


2. Unloading milk at factory

Liquid milk is stored immediately after milking in a cooled tank at the farm and transported in a short time in tank truck to the dairy plant. From milking to bulk tank truck unloading, the liquid milk is stored and transported at a stable temperature of 3 to 4° C to avoid any microbiological and enzymatic developments.




3. Liquid phase processing

After receiving the confirmation from the laboratory that the results regarding the liquid milk analysis are conformed to our standards, the liquid milk is unloaded and shortly stored in big tanks before quality release and prior to implementation in the processing: skimming, then heat treatment by pasteurization method to destroy the pathogenic micro-organisms and to inactivate the enzymatic development while maintaining the natural nutritional profile of the milk.

Successive sequences in the preparation of the formulated infant milk concern the addition of other ingredients like:

  • vegetable oils blend delivered every day
  • whey proteins

The adjustment of the composition parameters and the concentration by evaporation in the wet section completes the transition to the dry section.

4. Spray Drying

This slow processing method is the real heart of the powder production. The concentrated formula will become a homogeneous powder by going through the Spray Dryer but also through a vibro-fluidizer bed.


5. Formulated powder

The powder is filled under high hygiene conditions into big bags for intermediary storage just before retail packing for complete physico-chemical & microbiological analysis before release for retail packing. Or, alternatively from the spray dryer to the retail packing 48h in intermediary metallic tank prior to retail packing and final quality release on all parameters of the product composition.

6. Retail packing

After receiving the confirmation from the laboratory that the results regarding the analysis of the powder in big bags are conformed to our standards, the powder is packed in metallic tins or pouches under inert gas to ensure a shelf-life of the end product. In case the powder has been already filled in the metallic tins without going through the big bag step, the final analysis performed by the laboratory will clear the produced batch.



7. Consumer

A complete range of products for the whole family.

All the formulas developed, produced and marketed by REGALAC® are fully compliant with the recommendations of major scientific and medical authorities in the field, such as the Codex Alimentarius 2011, ESPGHAN, the AAPCON and the regulations in force in the countries where the products are marketed and in particular the Directive 2006/141 of the European Union.